Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The trouble With Our Schools

Today in the Vancouver Sun one of my favourite columnists wrote this article about the teachers strike, ESL & class composition,


I totally agree, and wrote a letter to the editor along the same lines, back in 2009.  I believe that if you want to learn another language  you will have to invest your time and money to do that.  If you want to move to Mexico and go to school there, you need to learn spanish on your own dime.  Only in Canada will we offer to pay these costs for immigrants, sometimes we Canadians are just "too nice"!
I may not have written it as well as Ms Fralic, so I'd like to thank her for bringing the topic up again.  Class composition & ESL, should be up for public discussion without the fear of being labeled discriminatory.


Immigrant's responsibility to learn the language

Vancouver Sun
Fri Jul 3 2009
Page: A6
Section: Editorial
Byline: Carolyn Keay
Source: Vancouver Sun 

I don't agree with Manori Ravindran's letter of June 30. Why should it be the financial responsibility of Canadians to educate people who choose to immigrate here?
Unless you are a refugee, you probably planned to move to Canada. If you want to work and be part of society, you need to learn the language, so why not learn it before you get here?
I also disagree with the Canadian government paying for ESL students. Why should we hire extra teachers to teach English to young children whose parents haven't bothered to learn English?
If I (a third-generation Canadian) want to learn to speak another language, I have to invest my time and money to learn it. I'm not asking Mexico to pay for my Spanish lessons.
Carolyn Keay

Edition: Final
Story Type: Letter
Length: 129 words
Idnumber: 200907030030 

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