Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Last minute vacation

You know when you read those great travel deals in the paper and you say to your partner "let's just go".....and then you realize you have to work, or what about your kids? appointments? Heavy sigh....obligations always get in the way don't they?

Well, we just got back from a lovely last minute vacation to Cabo San Lucas, booked on a Friday, left on Monday morning!  Yes I can pack that fast!  We even had company for dinner the night before we left.  It can be done, and we will do it again.

Sunwing has been advertising great deals to Los Cabos for the past 2 months, $375 +340 tax for 7 night at the All inclusive Riu Sante Fe......I think that is cheaper than living at home!  The Riu Palace was down to $595 + 340 tax at one point.  (remember follow the deals on

We procrastinated though,

  • thinking it would be too hot in Mexico,  
  • hoping that we would get some sunshine at home (any day now... we are still hoping!)
  • I have been to the Riu Sante Fe twice, it was fine, but I like the Riu Palace a LOT
  • We had family obligations
  • We just went to Huatulco in April (It is way too hot there now)
When we finally decided we have had enough rain, and no one was really going to miss us, we ended up with the last 2 seats on the plane, and could not get a room at the Riu Palace, so we settled for the Riu Sante fe @ $475 + tax each.  

If you break that price down,
  • sunwing was charging $65 + tax for the air only
  • leaving $410 each for the room, transfers and all you can eat and drink......that's $58.57 a night per person
You can't go anywhere in BC for that price.

  • the weather in Cabo was perfect, 28C to 30C with a nice breeze, I think we saw a few clouds one day, and the last 2 days were getting hotter, maybe 35C
  • The food at the hotel was great, way better than I remember it and way better than the last Dreams resort or Secrets Resort that we have been to in the last couple years
Not Surprising,
  •  the wine was undrinkable and beer was not that great.  (But I went to costco and spent $80 on wine, and took my own bottle to the bar or restaurant and they were fine with that, even opened it for me)
  • There were too many screaming, drunk 18 year olds, (I am surprised more do not die from Alcohol poisoning)  Don't ever let your teenager go to an all inclusive resort, they just have no idea when to stop doing shooters!

Today I am sitting in my very green back yard, enjoying some sun, but the clouds are moving in again.....we are talking about moving.

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