- I am disappointed in the 99% protesters camped out in downtown Vancouver.
- It started out as a good intentioned weekend (although I don't think people in Vancouver are that bad off) I will listen to other opinions, but once you make your point, you should stop now
- Blocking intersections in a busy city makes you the 1% distrupting the 99%
To the protesters: I ask
- What is your goal? I keep hearing on the news that you are going to stay as long as it takes to reach your goal.
- Please put your goal in writing so we will all know when you reach it. (Stop the BullShit is not a clear goal)
- Have you heard of Craig Kielburger? He is living proof change can be made without protest.
- Do you know that you had the support of the community, but you are losing it quickly!
- Do you have jobs?
- Are you students?
- Were you homeless before this protest?
- Wouldn't working or going to school get you closer to your goal?
- Think of the money the City could be spending to help you reach your goal if they weren't wasting it on policing costs to guard your tent city!
I saw one sign that said "Put the politicians on minimum wage and watch how fast things change"That would be an interesting challenge, why not work toward something like that? I am just not clear on how camping in a tent or disrupting traffic is going to accomplish anything?
Please help me understand.
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